Thanks for attending our 80th Annual Business Meeting
Thank you to all who planned and participated in our 80th Annual Meeting Saturday night, April 22, 2023 at the recently rebuilt University of Utah Alumni House. The food was catered by Meier Meats and the entertainment by saxophonist, Kenny Fong, was excellent.
President Dean Hirabayashi and Board Chairman, Larry Grant gave their reports on the financial condition and upcoming plans for the Credit Union. They reported on some of the enhancements to home banking that will soon be taking place.
The Supervisory Committee Chairman, Maya Chow, reported on their audit. Kevin Mukai, board member and Chairman of the nominating committee conducted the election which resulted in two incumbents, Charlie Brown and Larry Grant, being reelected by acclimation.
The resulting board of directors are Chairman Larry Grant, Vice Chairman Nate Imamura, Secretary Kristina Yamada, board members Terry Nagata, Karen Okawa and Charlie Brown. We thank them for their service.